
The Satyam Diagnostics’ Histopathology laboratory is a state-of-the-art facility specialising in the analysis of biopsies of all sorts and also comprises of the cytopathology and immunohistochemistry divisions. It facilitates to provide diagnostic examinations for specimens consisting of both gynaecologic and non-gynaecologic samples and all other organ systems of the human body. These include analysis of pap tests, body fluid evaluations and diagnostic examination of fine needle aspirations.

The Histopathology department is strengthened by a highly experienced and skilled team of senior consultants. A committed and honest team of exceptionally trained technical staff also supports the division. The histopathology reports at Apollo Diagnostics are of high international standards, and come at an affordable price tag. The department also accepts samples from sources outside Apollo group.

The laboratory ensures a short turnaround time. Quick processing and reporting is done for critical cases like transplants and other life threatening conditions.

In combination with molecular biology and cytogenetics, we aim to provide the highest quality of diagnostics in line with national and international standards with the concept of holistic reporting for our patients. Constant interactions with referring partners and clinicians ensures most accurate and seamless reporting. Samples including slides, tissue, paraffin wax blocks are retained as per regulatory policy for additional testing and re-evaluation as applicable.

List of Test

  • Appendix
  • Autopsy (Baby)
  • Body Fluids Cytology
  • Breast Lump
  • Cervical polyp histology
  • Histology
  • Histology (large)
  • Histology (medium)
  • Histology Breast Excision
  • Histology Skin
  • Papanicolaou Smear (PAP Smear)
  • Prostate biopsy histology
  • Thyroid gland histology
  • Tiny biopsy
  • Trut- cut / core biopsy
  • C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Serum
  • Trut/Core Biopsy
  • Urethral curancle histology
  • Urine Cytology

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Office Address

Satyam Diagnostic Center 7/18/48A, R.K. Complex, Ayodhya-224001 (UP)

Get in Touch

+91 7052425555

[email protected]